Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nutrition Bit: Hydration by Tara Johnson, RD

I teach a class called "Capstone" in the Nutrition and Dietetics program here at Loma Linda University. Two projects out of four for this course are video/television appearances. This is to give our dietetic students training and exposure to being in front of the camera.  We have been busy in the studio this quarter, but also having a lot of fun.

One of the projects is a 30-second segment, which is more like a commercial, but giving healthy nutrition tips.  The students voted on naming their individual video clips "Nutrition Bits".  The "Nutrition Bits" will be aired on SmartLifestyle TV network in between programs.

Here is a sample of one of the "Nutrition Bits".  This "Nutrition Bit" features our graduate student, Tara Johnson, who passed her Registered Dietitian exam last October 11, 2012.  Tara is an outstanding student and now RD.  She will be graduating by the end of this school year in June, 2013.  So, if anyone wants to hire her, she will be ready to work for you!

I certainly hope Tara has encouraged you to make sure that your hydration status is up to par!

If you are interested in becoming a registered dietitian, please visit our website at www.llu.edu/nutrition.


How do you keep hydrated throughout the day?

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