Monday, January 14, 2013

It's True What They Say..."Variety is the Spice of Life"!

When going out to eat, do you just stick to the usual? Maybe the usual for you might be American, Mexican, Italian, and Chinese over and over again. What about being adventurous and expand the experiences of your taste buds to other types of food like Soul food, Mediterranean, Vietnamese, Indian, Peruvian, Thai, or Filipino?  It's always exciting to try out other textures, flavors, herbs, and spices that are delivered in a wonderful dish.

There are various reasons why we don't like certain ethnic foods. There might have been times you tried other certain types of food, but was eaten around a bad experience or memory. Sometimes this may cause a person not to like that particular type of food and is not revisited. I'm sure not many people are like this next example, but one person I knew has a strong running streak of racisim in this individual's blood (I know...sad), so this kept this person from enjoying a certain type of food for many years. Another reason why we might think we don't like a particular type of food is because we were never introduced to it, so our taste buds never cared for it in the first place.

As we move forward in life, let's do our best with God's help to let go of the past. Moving forward with a loving, positive attitude in life can help us enjoy each day more and more, despite the challenges we face every day. This may sound a little silly, but don't deprive yourself of some good food out there just because it was eaten on a difficult day way back in the past. That negative experience is long gone. Give that particular type of ethnic food a try once again. Treating yourself to amazing ethnic food you haven't ever tried in life or will revisit once again might give you a surprising, pleasant palatable experience.

It might be boring eventually to stick to one type of exercise activity over and over again, not to mention over use and burn out. It's best for our muscles and brain to engage in different activities to keep things fresh. So, the parallel here is if we eat the same type of food over and over again, our taste buds might get burn out. Therefore, during those occassional times you go out to eat, venture out once in a while on an ethnic or type of food you normally don't eat or like and add some variety to spice up your life a bit through good food!

What is an ethnic or type of food you are going to revisit or willing to try for the first time for 2013?  

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